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Reliable in engineering and distribution

JBW GmbH, an established development partner and supplier in drive technology, is constantly expanding its product portfolio. In addition to in-house developments, all drive technology system components are integrated and supplied: BLDC and DC motors of all types and performance classes, gears, controllers as well as transformers and power supply units.

Convincing engineering - reliable logistics

JBW complements its impressive engineering expertise with reliable logistics expertise. JBW procures sophisticated, high-performance products for drive technology construction systems in a customer-oriented manner and stocks them in its own warehouse.

This ensures short response times, high delivery capability and flexibility for customers. These combined strengths are particularly relevant for industrial customers in the rehabilitation/medical and measurement technology sectors as well as in mechanical, plant and equipment engineering.

Established customer-supplier relationships in drive technology

In addition to the best technical solutions, you also need reliable delivery capability. You get all of this from a single source - from JBW GmbH in Munich.


"Technically mature, individually composed and economically feasible."

This motto has accompanied our company for many years.


Mirko Wilden | Owner and Managing Director

I look forward to your call 
Tel. +49 89 89745430

40 years of JBW drive technology

The year 2022 was an anniversary: JBW has been supplying electrical drive technology for over 40 years now and has built up a large customer base in many branches of industry over the years. Mirko Wilden, owner and Managing Director, and his parents, the founders of JBW, are delighted with the company's solid growth over the years. 
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Impressive engineering expertise

Solution-oriented and sustainable

The realization of demanding engineering tasks around our sophisticated products - that is what motivates us. Our goal is to supply complete drive systems including all drive components such as motors, gears, sensors, motor control, regulation and power supply. The result is what counts.

Finding technically and economically interesting solutions for a wide range of industrial applications is what our industrial customers and dealers in rehabilitation, medical and measurement technology as well as in mechanical, plant and equipment engineering appreciate about us.

As a system developer and supplier, we integrate and modify ...

With our comprehensive product and system knowledge and our many years of experience in drive technology, we are at your side as a partner to help you achieve results in a wide variety of tasks in all areas of industrial applications.

We also ensure maximum flexibility and reliability thanks to the high availability of products in our in-house warehouse.

Ask us anything about DC and BLDC geared motors!


Logistics services create customer satisfaction

Our customers' needs determine our distribution logistics. JBW is the partner for customer-oriented procurement and stocking of technically mature and high-performance products for drive technology construction systems.

In-house warehouse with storage capacity for 500 Euro pallets / approx. 100,000 motors

Our market-oriented stocking in our own warehouse ensures short response times. Our demand for delivery capability and flexibility supports the assembly and equipment logistics of our customers.

Logistics that impress

Our customers trust our sophisticated logistics services and see us as part of their own logistics chain in these process steps

  • procurement
  • processing
  • Stockpiling

JBW sees itself as a reliable logistics partner and is committed to

  • Best quality
  • Timely delivery capability
  • Comprehensive flexibility
  • Absolute reliability

Partnerships with our suppliers for BLDC and DC motors and motor controllers

Long-standing distribution partnerships

JBW not only maintains a partnership with its customers, but also with its suppliers of BLDC and DC motors, motor controllers and other components in electrical drive technology.

Find out a little more about our main suppliers:

In addition to these suppliers, we have other reliable sources of supply that we also value highly.

Recognized by our industrial customers

Industrial automation and robotics

Industrial automation and robotics

Office technology and household appliances

Office technology and household appliances

Plant engineering and pump technology

Plant engineering and pump technology

Special vehicle construction and agricultural machinery

Special vehicle construction and agricultural machinery

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering

Energy technology

Energy technology

Image and measurement data acquisition

Image and measurement data acquisition

Medical technology and rehabilitation technology

Medical technology and rehabilitation technology

We do a lot to remain a strong partner in Drive Systems

Good deeds strengthen everyone

For several years now, we have been supporting with our donations the Parents' Initiative Internal 3 at the Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital in Munich e.V. Here we know that the donations are well received and used for extremely worthwhile purposes.

Instead of Christmas greeting cards that end up in the wastepaper basket after the New Year, we prefer to make a generous donation to this children's health facility every year.

We were also pleased to see that our customers rated this campaign highly in our supplier evaluation surveys as part of the ISO9001 certification certification; for every customer who takes part in the survey and gives us feedback, EUR 10 is donated to this parents' initiative. This really helps everyone involved. We would like to take this opportunity to explicitly thank our customers!