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Privacy Notice

Data protection in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for natural persons

JBW welcomes your visit to our website and your interest in our product and service portfolio. The protection and security of your personal data entrusted to us is important to us. Therefore, we would like to inform you about which personal data is collected, stored, used and deleted when you visit our Internet pages and the use of our offers and services.

1. Purpose of data processing

JBW is an engineering partner and system supplier in the field of electric drive systems, which are nowadays applied in all technically oriented industrial segments. Our portfolio includes DC geared motors incl. its distribution logistics as well as engineering services. Our objectives are high product quality, reliability and cost-effectiveness. JBW processes your personal data for the following purposes:

a) Answering your inquiries for contact or product inquiries
b) Fulfillment of contractual supply and service obligations
c) Customer satisfaction surveys in the context of ISO 9001 quality management
d) Sending our Info-Mail for marketing purposes (invitations to trade fairs, information on new products, special offers)
e) Job applications

2. Collection of personal data

Collection of personal data – directly when visiting this website

The IP address assigned to your device – computer, smartphone or similar – is recorded in order to transmit the contents of our website that you have accessed to your device, e. g. texts, images and files made available for downloading (cf. art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR).

When you visit this website, the server automatically stores additional data transmitted by your browser whenever you visit a website. In addition to your IP address, these server logs also contain your web request, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request and one or more cookies that uniquely identify your browser. Our legitimate interest in data processing is to ensure the proper functioning of our website and the requests sent to us via it (downloads, contact requests, product requests, subscribing/unsubscribing our Info-Mail), (cf. art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR).

Use of Matomo

This website uses the open source software tool Matomo (formerly PIWIK) to analyze the flow of visitors to this website. The evaluation of the data obtained is used for quality assurance and optimization of our web pages and helps us to constantly improve user-friendliness.

We achieve the high level of data protection by hosting the Matomo software on our web server and not operating it in the Matomo cloud. We therefore do not pass on any data to a Matomo cloud. We also use Matomo without the use of tracking cookies and have the IP address automatically anonymized by the software. Therefore, we do not explicitly require consent for data collection from our users and may use Matomo as an analysis tool in compliance with the GDPR.

When our websites are accessed, Matomo provides us with the following overview of cumulative and anonymized personal data:

  • How many users accessed the website in a given period.
  • Which pages of the website were accessed and how often.
  • How long was the time spent on the pages.
  • Which devices were used to access the website.
  • From approximately where (geographical location) the visits were made.

Further information can be found at 

The legal basis for the processing of user data is justified in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f, Art. 7 para. 3 sentences  1 and 2 GDPR. To prevent the inclusion even of your anonymized data for our usage analyses, we enable you to opt out of the Matomo analysis procedure. To do this, please deactivate the checkbox in the gray section below. This will set a cookie on your computer system that signals our web server system not to store any user data. If a user deletes this cookie from their own system, the opt-out cookie must be set again.

1. Purpose of data processing

JBW is an engineering partner and system supplier in the field of electric drive systems, which are nowadays applied in all technically oriented industrial segments. Our portfolio includes DC geared motors incl. its distribution logistics as well as engineering services. Our objectives are high product quality, reliability and cost-effectiveness. JBW processes your personal data for the following purposes:

a) Answering your inquiries for contact or product inquiries
b) Fulfillment of contractual supply and service obligations
c) Customer satisfaction surveys in the context of ISO 9001 quality management
d) Sending our Info-Mail for marketing purposes (invitations to trade fairs, information on new products, special offers)
e) Job applications

2. Collection of personal data

Collection of personal data – directly when visiting this website

The IP address assigned to your device – computer, smartphone or similar – is recorded in order to transmit the contents of our website that you have accessed to your device, e. g. texts, images and files made available for downloading (cf. art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR).

When you visit this website, the server automatically stores additional data transmitted by your browser whenever you visit a website. In addition to your IP address, these server logs also contain your web request, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request and one or more cookies that uniquely identify your browser. Our legitimate interest in data processing is to ensure the proper functioning of our website and the requests sent to us via it (downloads, contact requests, product requests, subscribing/unsubscribing our Info-Mail), (cf. art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR).

Connection with social networks

Our website is currently not connected with any social network platform.

Collection of personal data voluntarily provided to us

In order to minimize data, only the data necessary for communication and for contractual fulfilment are collected. Here structured according to the purposes listed in point 1:

a) We need your data in order to be able to answer your enquiries by e-mail or by letter post. The necessary data is determined by the respective forms and only collected for the use of the website and its services as well as the initiation and execution of a contractual relationship.
b) In the context of an order, we must be provided with the necessary data enabling us to process the order correctly, from dispatch and invoicing to warranty (cf. art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR)
c) In customer satisfaction surveys, which we have to collect as part of our consistent quality management according to ISO 9001, the data requested online - company, name - are only collected to protect against misuse.
d) If you register to receive our Info-Mail, this can be done with your name and e-mail address. The user is free to provide further information when registering for the Info-Mail. The applicant expressly consents to the Info-Mail being sent to the e-mail address provided (cf. art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR).

3. Use of personal data

Only the data provided to us for the dedicated purpose is used. Here structured according to the purposes mentioned in point 1:

a) We use your data to provide you by e-mail or by post with the information and offers etc. requested by your contact or product inquiries. And of course we appreciate your comments enabling us to improve our website or our products and services.
b) In the context of an order, the transmitted data is used for correct order processing (cf. art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). Within the scope of this contractual relationship, we are also entitled to inform you about changes, additions or new versions to the products used or in our related service portfolio.
c) For customer satisfaction surveys according to ISO 9001, we only contact contractually related customers.
d) If you have registered for our Info-Mail, you will receive the mailings to the e-mail address you provided until further notice.
e) Incoming job applications will be answered immediately and will not be passed on to third parties.

We do not sell your data to third parties, nor do we market it elsewhere.

4. Storage of personal data

The website-related data is temporarily stored by a carefully selected, Germany-based service provider, where our website and our Info-Mail system are hosted. With this processor, which is certified according to ISO 27000, we have agreed a GDPR-compliant contract (cf. art. 28 GDPR).

If you enter your personal data via the web-based forms (see purpose 1a and 1d) or send them to us by e-mail, we store your incoming messages on our in-house systems in order to process your enquiries or answer your questions. Similarly, we also handle data transferred by telephone or in person.

If your enquiries lead to an order (purpose 1b), your data - company, address, employee name - will be stored in our internal IT systems for contract-compliant order processing. Of course, we also adhere to the legal retention periods.

Your data - company, name including all necessary contact data – are stored in our customer relationship management system. Here the data is differentiated according to customers, prospects and business partners (purpose 1a to 1d). This also includes the consent confirmed by the so-called double opt-in to receive our Info-Mail (purpose 1d) or to unsubscribe from it.

Unsolicited job application documents (purpose 1e) will be stored for a maximum of 14 days in the event of cancellation. In the case of job advertisements, the application documents sent in are stored for 6 months after allocation. The documents of applicants who are hired flow into the paper-based personnel files, which are under lock and key.

5. Erasure of personal data

  • We may only delete documents containing your personal data - e. g. contracts and invoices - after the legal retention periods have expired.
  • Our requests for contact or for products that do not lead to an order will be deleted after 24 months.
  • Your job application documents will be deleted after 14 days or 6 months (see point 4).

6. Other data uses and data erasure

Further processing or use of your personal data will generally only take place if permitted by law or if you have consented to data processing or use. In the event of further processing for purposes other than those for which the data were originally collected, we will inform you of these other purposes prior to further processing and provide you with further relevant information.

7. Technical-organizational measures

Of course, we have set up a comprehensive IT security concept for our in-house information and communication systems in terms of access to rooms, systems and data to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data. Our employees are sensitized to handle your personal data very carefully. We do not pass on any data to third countries. Insofar as we involve contractors to fulfil our service obligations and interests, the GDPR requirements are also comprehensively taken into account in the agreements. As controller we take care of the fulfilment of the required information and documentation obligations. The effectiveness of our security measures is regularly reviewed and the measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.

8. Informing those affected in the event of a data breakdown

If, despite all due care, a data breach should occur, we will inform you immediately if you should be affected by it (cf. art. 33-34 GDPR).

9. Your extensive rights

In addition to your right to information (cf. art. 15 GDPR) at any time and free of charge on the personal data stored about you, you also have the right to correction and erasure (cf. art. 16-18 GDPR). Moreover, you may at any time object to the processing of your personal data with future effect (cf. art. 21 GDPR). If you wish to exercise one of these rights and others, then

  • Please, click on "unsubscribe" in our Info-Mail and enter the desired e-mail address to be unsubscribed from this service or
  • In all cases, please contact our data protection officer (ref. to point 10).

10. Controller

Controller according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is JBW GmbH, Jakob-Baumann-Str. 5, 81249 Munich (Germany).

Our data protection officer is available for you by sending an e-mail to this address:

11. Supervisory authority

If, contrary to our expectations, we will be unable to resolve your data protection concerns to your satisfaction, you have the right of appeal to the supervisory authority responsible for the German region where we are headquartered:

Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht (BayLDA)


Last update: May 23, 2024