Our customers like to use for the right choice of a worm gear motor our online product filter on this website. But sometimes it is also helpful to have a quick look at a catalog in pdf format on the PC for some key data or to leaf through the printed catalog.
We are therefore happy to support all customer requests - regardless of how they want to get a quick initial overview of the performance ranges of the various series of worm gear motors.
That is why we have now compiled the worm gear motors catalog with the currently available series for offline use. However, the details of the many different motor types within the series are best viewed online via the product filter, where you can also compare several motor types with performance data.
DOWNLOAD >> Worm gear motors catalog
This catalog is currently only available in German language. Let us know, if you would also prefer such a document instead of using the features of our product filter.
Technical data on material and rated power
In the catalog, you will find all relevant information on the materials used for each motor series, as well as performance data and other attributes.
- Material
Crankcase, gearbox housing, worm wheel - Attributes
Gear position, drive transmission, rotation direction, type of armature mounting, lubrication, interfaces - Rated power
Idle speed, rated torque, stall torque, rated voltage
This overview gives you a quick and comprehensive overview of the main differences between the series of our worm gear motors. This will allow you to quickly compare which requirements you want to cover in your application and which series will best meet your requirements.
If you are unsure, please give us a call. We will clarify your questions and even put a motor on our test bench so that we can give you an individual test report on the various load cases. There is hardly a better way to prepare your decision for the DC geared motor to be installed in a large product series. This gives you all the facts you need to ultimately ensure the high performance quality of your products and thus make sound performance promises to your customers.
Worm gear motor - always your favorite
We ourselves are always amazed at how many applications where the worm gear motor remains your first choice. Despite all the good attributes that a BLDC motor, planetary gear motor or spur gear motor has to offer. Robustness, reliability and price are always the decisive factors in the decision. However, the self-locking feature of this motor category, which in some applications eliminates the need to install additional brakes, is often just as decisive.