We brought back promising results from the SPS smart production solutions industrial trade fair in Nuremberg.
Many customers and interested parties visited us at our new stand in Hall 1 at SPS 2022 last week, searching for ideas for new drive solutions for a wide range of applications. It was and is always very exciting for us to work out the right technical solutions. The first offers went out this week after all the details of the requirements had been clarified. There is still a lot of follow-up work to do over the next few weeks. Wonderful!
We were also delighted with the visit from our suppliers. We were able to clarify many points in face-to-face meetings and not just via video meetings, which have become so common during the pandemic years.
This successful participation in the SPS trade fair after a three-year break due to the coronavirus has confirmed that it is good for us to continue to be present at the SPS trade fair. Hardly anywhere else is it possible to hold so many personal discussions about electrical drive systems in such a short space of time.